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Foto van schrijver: NikkiNikki

After exploring my new ideas about this project I started sketching...

By sketching my ideas and making a morphological overview I realised I was leaning towards three main designs;

The first one is mainly target towards girls. Seeing as how they often play with baby dolls and like to imitate a mother taking care of a child. The design is made in a way that its bottom half reminds you of a baby doll and its upper half of a baby's sippy cup.

The second design is supposed to be more of a gender-neutral design and is made to remind you of a responsible adult. It's made in a way to promote helping parents around the house, being responsible and taking care of yourself.

The third design is targeted mostly towards boys as they are generally interested in technology and robots. It's supposed to remind you of the fact that robots are mainly made for supporting people and making things easier for people.

In a sense, every design is supposed to emanate helpfulness, care and responsibility. Seeing as how learning kids how to cook will also teach them these skills.


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