This week I finished making a mock-up of my blender design.
At first sight after making the mock-up of the blender design I thought the design turned out way to big. But, as first judgement can often deceive, I found out that it was actually smaller than the original blender we were asked to take as an example. In length that is. The circumference of the design was bigger than the example. Luckily this was something I did on purpose. I wanted to give the design some bulkier proportions in comparison.

I talked about the design with Joris Smits and we discussed this matter. We both came to the conclusion that I should try to make my design a bit smaller, so the proportions would relatively stay the same while the volume of the design would lessen. This appeared to be possible since the motor I’m supposed to incorporate in the design seemed to have a lot of extra space in the example. Also, If that wouldn’t be enough I could also make sure the body of the design would be lowered into the legs a bit more.
Here are some photos to give you an image of the matter.