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Foto van schrijver: NikkiNikki

For the headphones project, a brand needs to be developed that will appeal to the persona created.

Brand vision

ForTune focuses on bold design and earth care for young people who love music. Designs that attract attention and "jump out of the crowd" but at the same time are in tune with Mother Nature. We will always look for the most sustainable way of producing our products.Because in the end our earth is our greatest fortune. Times are changing, people are increasingly working on sustainable forms of energy extraction and production. ForTune would like to join in and contribute to a different area, electronics, and especially in the field of music equipment. Music is our passion and a means of conveying messages to people, especially through lyrics. We also wanted to include this idea in the products you use when you listen to music. By means of bold designs with an environmentally conscious theme, we want to make sure that the youth is aware that our planet is something to fight for. Because the earth is here for us and we are here for the earth.

Brand mission

The goal of ForTune is to become the number one company in music equipment, in order to convince the world that sustainable product development is an important step towards a better environment and a more beautiful planet for generations to enjoy. ForTune, big for the world.

Brand values

Daring and environmentally conscious.

Brand personality

The hip twenty-something who is environmentally aware.

Brand promise

Know what's really important.

Brand-core concept

Values ​​(?)

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Before I started producing my prototype I've made several 3D drawings using SolidWorks. Here's a link to the 3D CAD files. It's a .rar...


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